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211 Service

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The 211 Service is an information and referral service for health and human services. It  provides a 24/7 hotline and an online, searchable directory of social services that is found on our website homepage. It contains over 6,300 government and nonprofit programs for a wide variety of needs. The 211 Service is often the starting point to finding resources that can assist with needs such as housing, food, healthcare, legal and childcare. Individuals are empowered with the information and referrals that can open the door to getting help. 

The 211 Service, both the hotline and online, social service directory are free, confidential, multilingual and accessible to people of all abilities. You can reach us via phone, text, chat, email and on our website. 

During times of disaster, the 211 Service pivots and begins to disseminate state-vetted information regarding preparedness, safety, shelter, food, water and other essential human services related to the disaster. Our website will post the emerging information and serve as the centralized source for finding help with basic needs. This takes place during both natural disasters such as hurricanes and blizzards and manmade disasters.

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